Thursday, April 25, 2013

What's in my grocery cart?

Yes, I'm the type of girl who just loooves the supermarket. I'd go to a wet market or the weekend market once in a while, but since I'm at the mall most of the time, I'd pop in and out of the supermarket a couple of times a week. Here I'd like to share with you some of my grocery cart favorites! I'd buy a lot of other stuff at a different time though, as this was just a mid-week drop by kind of thing. Haha!

1 - Saba bananas
I have developed a particular liking for this type of banana, with its not-too-sweet taste and just-right size for breakfast or for a midday snack. Saba is known to be rich in potassium, and is a great source of natural energy! Eating only two bananas will give you enough energy to exercise or workout for an hour and a half. Source:

2 - Avocados
Aside from the usual dessert we've all been accustomed to (avocados in milk, sugar, and ice), avocados are a great beauty food that you could eat alone or double as a spread for sandwiches (I admit though, I still find it hard to part ways with lite mayo or Vegenaise).

3 - Couscous
My mom is the real addict here. Since we've spent a good chunk of our lives in the Middle East, we are still partial to Arabic, Indian, and Mediterranean food to this day! Couscous is a rice pasta that contains protein, selenium, and potassium - plus it's a better alternative to white rice! Don't go overboard though!

4 - Asparagus
This veggie is best grilled, lightly sauteed with garlic, or mixed with a veggie pasta.

5 - Salad greens
I just love that pre-packed greens are already washed and conveniently cut. Another favorite brand is Basic Necessity's salad greens with arugula!

6 - Mangoes
I don't think this needs much of an explanation. They're in season, they're delicious, and they're so cheap right now at P60 per kilo. I like eating one mango after my morning cup of water and lemon.

7 - Lemons
I go through about 6-8 lemons a week, as I love adding it to plain drinking water, to salads (sprinkled together with Extra Virgin Olive Oil), as a toner (it helps lighten facial scars), and in fresh juices or green smoothies! Even Kimberly Snyder's Glowing Green Smoothie contains a lemon! This wonder is known for helping eliminate toxins from the body, aside from the fact that it makes a lot of stuff taste better!

8 - Bok Choy
Also known as Chinese Cabbage, Bok Choy is a delicious veggie that is known for its anti-cancer properties, as well as it being a beta carotene source, plus it is a low-calorie, fat-free food that is high in fiber and vitamin A, C, and K! Aside from serving it steamed with roasted garlic, another favorite way to cook Bok Choy is to saute it with onions, garlic, and tomaotes, and you're all good!

9 - Frozen shrimp 
If you're the type who likes to stock on food for weeks at a time, then frozen seafood is a good choice for you. I like buying this particular type though, as it's perfect for including in pastas or stir-fries! 

10 - Organic unsweetened soy milk
I've been trying to avoid anything dairy lately (except for the occasional gelato treat or kesong puti sandwich from Via Mare). Commercially-sold cow's milk is filled with harmful hormones and antibiotics that are very acid-causing to the body, hence promoting an atmosphere that is prone to disease. If you can, avoid it at all costs. I like alternating between soy milk and almond milk as they are better alternatives to the usual store-bought milk available. I like Westsoy and Silk's organic varieties.

11 - Greek yogurt
Though considered dairy, Greek yogurt has got to be an exception on my list! I am in love with it! It tastes like a lighter version of cream cheese, with added health benefits such as protein, calcium, and lactobacteria which is good for your tummy. Add this to oats, fruits, or dishes where mayo can be replaced. Available at (Landmark and S&R)

12 - Tofu
When there are nights that I'm not feeling too creative with dinner, I like to fry some tofu, cut it up in cubes, saute some broccoli, garlic, and lentils, and mix them all together with spices like oregano and basil. Paired with brown rice, this high-protein food is a winner!

13 - Sweet potato
Aaaaaah kamote! I have come to love this root crop with a passion ever since I've become more conscious about including more fruits and vegetables in my diet. A staple recipe would be sweet potato fries! I could have them any time of day. They are delicious. Check out my recipe:

14 - Brown rice
I haven't had white rice for quite some time now, and quite admittedly, I don't look for it anymore. I used to think I couldn't live without it, but after I've trained my tummy to quit it, I definitely have. Apart from it being whole grain having more fiber, brown rice is a great alternative if you're looking to get some selenium, and manganese, and will ultimately help you lose weight too. Unlike white rice, it doesn't spike your blood sugar, so you won't miss that "drop" in energy you get after a meal. I love the Jordan Farms brand.

15 - Fresh basil 
I haven't gotten around to making my own pesto sauce yet, but I've used basil for pastas and sandwiches, and boy does it make everything taste amazing! Basil is a rich source of Vitamin K too!

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